7 Best Cat Food For Your Cat’s Monsoon Diet

Being a cat parent can be challenging at times but gratifying as well.  When you bring home a new c…

6 reasons for getting a Pitbull as a family dog

Ask anyone, they’ll say dogs are nice, they are cute except a few. And a few of them involve so-cal…

All you need to know about raising a kitten

Raising a kitten  is like raising a human baby; it requires attention, care, and all the love y…

Top 6 Monsoon Essentials we know your dog will love

Yay! It's time to play in the rain and jump in puddles again! But are you sure that you and y…

Paracetamol Poisoning In Cats

Pippo is a street cat I looked after during the pandemic. Every day I fed him, played with him, a…

How my Pet Helped me to Reduce Stress

Have you heard that pets make your life a hundred times happier? Ever wondered how that works? …

Hairballs in cats a common problem

A cat hairball is a clump of dead hair and digestive juices that have accumulated in the stomach …

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