If you have ever bought shell jewelry, ridden an elephant, or had a monkey on your shoulder, you have encouraged animal cruelty without even knowing it. For the poor animals kept in captivity, every day is full of torture. In search of entertainment, tourists do not even notice that they are becoming patrons of the ruthless multi-billion dollar industry.
Here are seven tourist attractions that are true torture for animals.
1. Horse-drawn carriages
You might think that horse-drawn rides are great for spending some quality time with your date. And yes, they are nice for passengers, but try to see it from the horse's point of view. The noise, cars honking, people yelling; in snow, rain or scorching heat; these poor creatures are forced to work tirelessly for your sake. Sometimes they fall down and die of exhaustion.
2. shells
Contrary to what the newspapers say, the shells that are sold in the stalls of the tourist centers are not usually collected on the beaches. Preparing for sale is a cruel process, according to National Geographic. The shells are grown with clams still inside of them. The molluscs still alive are left to dry in the sun. They are then placed in barrels of acid to dissolve the meat. The next time you decide to buy a shell souvenir, think twice.
3. Elephant rides
I shouldn't tell you how cruel the training regimen is for elephants. When they are young, their legs are beaten to a bloody pulp and tied with a short chain. Yes, humans always know the most horrible way to break an animal's spirit. They are starved, beaten with a stick, beaten, kicked, and for what, so that some white people can put a picture on their Instagram? Shameful.
4. Trained snakes
It is quite an experience to see the snakes "dance" with the snake charmer's flute. But if you knew the cost of this barbaric entertainment, you would never see this attraction the same way. So let me help you! Reptiles always have their sharp fangs removed and their venom ducts blocked. After this operation, even the fiercest cobras become docile and harmless but can also cause a wide variety of infections, eventually causing them to die in horrible agony.
5. Bullfighting
In an even fight, the bullfighter has no chance of winning. So to guarantee their victory, bullfighters like to weaken the bull before the show. They smear nasty things in the bull's eyes to blind him, throw heavy things on his back, and even inject drugs into him. Then, of course, during the "performance," the bullfighters stab the bulls with swords. Oh it is so funny!
6. Dancing monkeys
These street performers can be found all over the world, from Thailand to the Ukraine. Monkeys are quite smart, but they still need to be trained. And by now, you all know how humans "train" animals. Not to mention these monkeys end up in a cold cage after working all day.
7. Dolphin shows
Such a familiar image: a smiling tourist swims in clear water with cute, cackling dolphins. Many hotels in Asia offer this type of entertainment, putting dolphins in pools for guests to swim with. Unfortunately, few tourists think about the life of these poor mammals that were raised in captivity and placed in a small pool filled with chlorine. It's their own little prison where they get food to do tricks.
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