What a feeling to end a first date and stay thinking: "Will it have gone well?" If you want to find out without having to worry too much or, of course, ask the other party, we will tell you some of the keys that will help you find out on your own.
You lost track of time
Not noticing how the minutes (and even the hours) go by is a very clear indicator that you feel comfortable and relaxed. If you start talking in a restaurant and, before you know it, there are only the waiters with tired faces, good news!
Shows of interest, but without becoming an interrogation
A first date is like a job interview in which both participants probe each other with questions or comments that show interest in the other's profile. But if you ask too many questions, you run the risk of turning into an awkward interrogation that will undoubtedly leave a bad taste in both of your mouths.
Common interest
We agree that a couple does not have to share everything. But, without a doubt, it is essential to have something in common, be it hobbies , musical tastes or a favorite city. In addition, it will be a great topic of conversation during a first date (and in successive ones).
out distractions
In a world like the one we live in, in which the mobile is almost an extension of our body, having a conversation without one of the interlocutors consulting it is almost utopian.
This way we can value more the quality of an appointment or meeting. If neither of you feel the need to check her for new messages or post a picture of your dinner on your social media, then you're good to go.
Corporal lenguage
Although we are not experts in the field, we can draw many personal conclusions as a result of this topic. If one person looks the other in the eye while they are talking, if they smile or show attention, these are clear signs that things are going well.
Another important aspect is the way of dressing. If the other person is properly dressed and groomed for the occasion, she shows that there is an interest in the date, that she wants to take care of the details and be up to the task.
Listening ability
We all know that listening is much more than hearing. If on a first date you have to repeat several times where you are from or if you have a dog, this shows that the other person is not very interested in what you are telling them.
Remembering the small details that they tell us during a conversation is a great gesture towards the other person, which shows interest and a good capacity for active listening.
the way to say goodbye
At the end of the date, the way in which the separation occurs is vital. Saying goodbye with a smile and clearly expressing the desire to repeat is the best indicator that the evening has gone wonderfully.
On the other hand, if the goodbye is cold, without contact (a hug, two kisses...) and it is not made clear that you want to repeat it... a bad sign. The date did not go as well as we thought.
In any case, it is always best to speak things naturally and openly, although, of course, respect and education are fundamental. It is important to demonstrate sufficient maturity to deal with certain issues with the necessary assertiveness to say things as we think.
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