Anacondas, alligators, jaguars, piranhas, spiders… some of the most dangerous animals in the world live in Latin America. Get to know them so you can be very careful if you come across them on your next trip.
Death worm
Scientifically it is called “Lonomia obliqua”, but in Brazil they call it nothing more and nothing less than “death worm”, and the reasons are justified. Its hairs, which also serve to hide among plants, are poisonous. Rubbing it can cause irritation, pain or burning. Prolonged contact causes its toxins to invade your body and you die. Their danger is greater because they often live on trees and when passing under one they can fall on you.
Dart Frog
They are colorful and bright, and that showiness is precisely a warning. Don't even think about kissing her so that she becomes a prince! The poison dart frog is found in the jungles and the Latin American tropics. Its toxin is so powerful that it would kill 10 men in a few seconds.
The green anaconda
Several films have been made about her and her dangerousness. And it is that this boa is the largest in the world (although the reticulated python can be longer) and has the ability to ingest animals as large as a cow. Cases have been reported in which this typical Amazonian animal has swallowed human beings. The cases are rare, because they do not attack unless it is to defend themselves, but seeing a species of this magnitude could make anyone tremble.
The jaguar
This meat-eating feline has a super strong jaw capable of tearing skin and crushing bone. It belongs to the panther family and is found in various regions of America, from the southern part of the United States, through Central and South America to Argentina. There is no doubt about how deadly it can be to fall into the clutches of this imposing species, which ranks third in size among the felids, behind the tiger and the lion.
Black Caiman of the Orinoco
It is found mainly in Venezuela, although it is also seen in the part of the Orinoco River that reaches Colombia and the Amazon. This black caiman is the only one of the "aligatorid sauropsid" of the "melanosuco" type that remains on the planet. Its appetite is voracious and it can gobble up very large mammals such as deer, tapirs and capybaras. Their attack on humans has also been documented, as it is possible to find them in shallow waters. Its six meters in length, combined with its numerous teeth, are lethal.
If you come across a piranha while bathing in a South American river, you won't feel a sting, but a bite so painful it could rip your skin off. This small fish has sharp teeth that resemble multiple fangs. Their taste for meat is well known and to obtain it they are very aggressive.
tarantula Tarantulas are spiders that have a large size. If you go to the jungle areas of Brazil or Uruguay you could come across a huge black tarantula that, in addition to giving you goosebumps, is poisonous. However, it is more feasible to die of fright from seeing it than to die from its toxicity. Its scientific name is "Grammostola pulchra" and its bite is very painful.
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