Summers are that time ofthe year when your dog is at the lowest, especially when you live in India. Theextreme heat that the Indian Subcontinent faces along with a degree of humidityin certain states is absolutely unbearable to your four-legged friends. It iseven more difficult for your furry friend if they are a hairy breed. You mustbe wondering why your doggo does not eat meals in summer that are usually hisfavorite. As a pet parent this must be worrisome but it is natural as Dogsusually lose appetite during summers. During Summers their activity levels arelow as they are saving energy and keeping their bodies cool by lazing aroundthus lowering their appetites. But don’t worry it’s not that they don’t eat atall, they eat in moderation.
Which dog food is best for mydog in Summer?
Just like you updateyour wardrobe according to the season, your dog's diet should also changeaccordingly. Your summer outfits are lightweight cotton and pastel-colored andbreezy, similarly, you need to revamp your dog’s diet based on the season. Yourdog’s diet in summer should include light and easily digestible dog food and amix of certain home food in alternation so that those little tummies are notstressed at all. Giving your dog wet dog food instead of dry dog food is agreat option for the sweltering summers. Not only is wet dog food with gravyabsolutely delicious and sends those tails wagging but also keeps your doggo’sbody hydrated compared to dry dog food. So don't forget to treat your doggowith that soupy bowl of chicken broth.
Dry food in turn soaksup the moisture that is present in your dog’s tummy leaving it dehydrated. So, just in case you arechoosing a packaged dog food for your dog during summers, make sure it is wetdog food. Apart from making your dog drink lots and lots of water, giving themwet food is a great way to help them stay hydrated during the hot summermonths. Wet food gravy isfuller in terms of protein, vitamins, and minerals content. Its mushy naturemakes it easier for your doggo to chew and instantly digest while also fillingup your furbaby’s belly full so that he does not get hungry very quickly. Thiswill instantly show you visible changes in the body language of your dog withtheir puppy eyes and wagging tailthat they absolutely love their food.
Keeping all the aboveparameters in mind we have chosen a few dog food brands that make the best-wetdog foods that are best suited for your dog’s summer diet. So here is somedirection to your most common question, “why does my dog eat less in summer”.He will relish every summer meal and those bowls will be squeaky clean.
5 brands that give the bestdog food
- Pedigree Chicken Chunks Gravy (Puppy/Adult)
- Dux Chicken Chunks
- Royal Canin Maxi Adult Dog Wet Food
- JerHigh Chicken & Liver in Gravy Wet Dog Food
- JerHigh Chicken & Vegetable in Gravy Wet Dog Food
Pedigree Chicken Chunks Gravy(Puppy/Adult)
The Pedigree ChickenChunks Gravy (Puppy/Adult) is the perfect formula for your dog’s summer dietneeds since this caters to all of the concerns a pet parent usually has abouttheir dog food. It will keep that doggo tummy cool and hydrated along withmaking your dog feel full. Its enticing chicken and liver flavor’s aromaexcites your pooch, leading them to their dog food bowl from wherever they areas soon as you tear the pouch. Speaking of the healthiness part that is theforemost concern of every dog parent you can be rest assured as it is rich inproteins and vitamins that are both very essential for muscle and bodywellness. Along with all of those good nutrients, it is absolutely easy todigest and helps in keeping your doggo’s belly hydrated until the next meal.
Dux Nutri Formula ShreddedChicken Chunks
This is a mouthwateringformula rich in proteins and antioxidants that keep your doggo’s gut healthyand happy during summers due to the hydrating effects of its gravy. It is fullof delicious soft easily chewable chicken chunks that your furry friend willabsolutely savor. This wet gravy dog food is a perfect mix of nutrients thatmakes up a complete diet for your dog. The Dux Nutri Formula Shredded ChickenChunks is loaded with nutrients that will boost your dog’s immunity, oralhealth, and digestion. It will strengthen their bones and promote their skinand coat health. It contains a good amount of moisture content that keeps yourdog’s tummy hydrated during the summers. It is the best gravy dog food fordaily use.
Royal Canin Maxi Adult Dog WetFood
Royal canin is themaster of making exclusively curated dog food that looks after the specificneeds of your dog’s diet from breed to age to size. This wet dog food issuitable for an adult dog’s diet aged between 1.5 years to 8 years. Itsatisfies all the special attention that your dog’s belly needs, being easy todigest. It is enriched with Omega 3 and thus helps to maintain a good bone andjoint health that will help them throughout their youth and while their seniorages to avoid any weakness and agility troubles later.
JerHigh Chicken & Liver inGravy Wet Dog Food
Dog food doesn’t have tohave alot going on in it. The simpler it is the better and easier to digest foryour dog. Simple ingredients that are available in everyday life can make up a goodmeal for your dog. The simpler the recipe the better it is for the summers.Gravy is best suited for the summers that add a spell of hydration to yourdog’s meal and your furry friend shall also give you a paws-up for this one. Ifyou are looking for premium quality dog food, fresh in the recipe for yourdoggo to never be bored of then JerHigh Chicken & Liver in Gravy Wet DogFood is the best choice for your Furry Friend. It is one of the best dog foodbrands that make a perfect summerdiet for dogs. This is the best-wetdog food enriched with vitamin e that promotes good skin and fluffy fur andcoat.
JerHigh Chicken& Vegetable in Gravy Wet Dog Food
Like vegetables make upa major part of your summer diet to keep you hydrated similarly your doggo’ssummer diet shall also comprise of vegetables along with all the proteins thatmeat provides. Remember not to entirely avoid a meat diet for your dog’s summerdiet since you wouldn’t want to deprive your furry friend of the good proteins.This dog food formula is perfectly equipped for making up your doggo’s summerdiet with almost 82% of moisture content keeping their bellies all hydratedbesides all that water they drink after those zoomies. Along with the deliciouschicken chunks, it has added benefits of vegetables that are quite mandatoryfor an all-rounder diet for your pooch. And once you tear that pouch you’ll seeyour doggo’s tail wag faster. You can surely imagine the amount of happiness?
Other Home Foods that make aGood Summer Diet for your Dog
Apart from packaged dogfood, you can include common thingseasily available in your kitchen. We promise your furbaby is going toabsolutely go cray cray about these once they get a taste of them. You cansometimes skip the meat treats and exchange them for these cool food that isgood for dogs in summer. Here are afew to name:
● Watermelons are a great way to keep your doggoall hydrated during the hot summer months.
● Cucumbers make a delicious snack for your poochwith their crunchiness and awesome water content.
● Coconut water acts as a great refreshing drinkfor your furbaby and adds to their energy levels because of its highelectrolyte levels along with a great cooling effect on your pet’s tummy.
● Yogurt and Buttermilk are two must-haves in your dog’ssummer diet.
● We know it’s a tough decision to share yourfavorite mangoes with your doggo but he’s your furbaby, right? Mangoes are adoggo’s love too!
● Ginger ishighly soothing for your dog’s belly and holds anti-inflammatory properties.Adding ginger to your pet’s diet can help in keeping your pooch’s tummy cool.
All in all your dog’ssummer diet should be a careful mix of homemade dog food and wet dog food thatsuffices for all their nutritional needs along with being easily digestible foryour dog’s tummy. While packaged dog food has its own nutrient profile, naturalhome food for dogs is also full of natural nutrients that add to the health ofyour doggo. But ultimately it’s upon the pet parent and their dogs who canchoose the best dogfood for them depending on their unique needs.
We at Mr n Mrs Pet believe in providing all pet parents with a wide varietyof options in terms of the best dog food brands in India so that you can findanything you are looking for. We believe every dog is different and their petcare is different. Hence we are always stocked up on all types of dog food tobe ready to serve your dog’s diet needs. So if you are planning to stock up onyour dog’s summer dog food supplies and you are looking for dog food online youare at the right place. You can check out our online pet store here.
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