Many people keep birds as pets, and canaries are a very popular choice. They are small, cute, come in a variety of colors, and are very easy to care for. They are also exceptionally talented singers. But today we are going to introduce you to a very unique bird. His name is Barryand describes himself as "the birch with bangs." Barry is a Gloster canary. While most canaries originate from the Canary Islands, and are wild-caught and then bred, Gloster canaries are not. They do not actually exist in nature. He took years of breeding and the result was two types of Gloster canaries: Consorts and Crowns (yes, we know, insert coronavirus joke of your liking here). Consorts have smooth heads like most canaries, but Crowns have this fun little fringe like Barry. They seem to have a perfect little haircut like a little mop made of feathers that is very similar to what the Beatles sported back in the day.
1. Here's Barry contemplating the complexity of life and what it's all about. What is his purpose in life? Should he even try to write a new song or has everything under the sun already been written?

2. Barry is also an artist and very talented. He has gone beyond the brushes, that's basic. Instead, he uses his legs to create his masterpieces. One day we will see Barry's art in a museum or art gallery.

3. This is the rainbow photo shoot that made Barry famous. People just see him as a cute bird with rainbow feathers but really Barry was trying to show how multifaceted his personality is his soul is like a rainbow he has a full range of emotions just like the rainbow has a full range of colors.

4. Here you can see Barry's gorgeous mop up close. He looks perfectly styled. He would consider painting his feathers as a rainbow, but that would affect the purity of his perfection. He just woke up like this.

5. This is a state of mind. Colored lighting is a great way to add an emotional aspect to photos of him and it was actually Barry's idea, no matter what his human owner might think or say. Barry was looking for a wistful love story with this photo shoot.

6. Barry is also worried about the virus, so he urges his fans to stay home as much as possible. This quarantine is not a joke. He wasn't alive when the bird flu happened, but he finds out it was bad and this virus seems even worse.

7. Sometimes Barry goes for a walk, but only when it's safe and he always follows hygiene and social distancing rules. He doesn't want any trouble, he even rides in his own vehicle, which is a bird carrier.

8. Gloster canaries aren't really very social by nature, they're not big fans of human interaction, so Barry has been following social distancing rules long before the virus outbreak, he's been doing it before it was cool down

9. Fresh out of the shower. Barry makes sure to stay clean and this should be a reminder to wash your hands too. But he's also aware that, with his bangs completely wet, he looks like he could be doing a beach photo shoot for Vogue. Maybe one day I will.

10. Barry seems like he's deep in thought most of the time. He like that he looks kind of emo, but that doesn't matter to him. He likes his quiet moments, it is proof that canaries are not only for singing and chirping, they also have deep thoughts and like to contemplate the futility of life.
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